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Télévision & radio : Boostez l'audimat

Europe 1 and its embedded TweetWall

Europe 1 and its embedded TweetWall

The Voice Belgique

The Voice Belgique

The Voice Belgique

The Voice Belgique

Créez un buzz

De nombreuses enquêtes démontrent que l'utilisation des réseaux sociaux lors d'émissions télévisés booste l'audimat et crée le buzz. En affichant le flux Twitter à l'écran, la conversation prend de l'ampleur, incluant les téléspectateurs, les auditeurs et un réseau plus large pendant et après l'émission, attirant toujours plus de monde le jour même et après.

Prenez le pouls

Oubliez les appels et les e-mails pour prendre le pouls. Laissez les téléspectateurs et les auditeurs poser leurs questions et s'exprimer alors que l'émission est en cours. Intégrez des TweetGraphs, des concours et notre option de vote pour provoquer la compétition et le débat.

Modérez les commentaires

N'ayez pas peur de ce que vous pourriez voir apparaître à l'écran! Nos outils de modération sont là pour vous aider à ne garder que les messages intéressants afin de relever le débat et afficher des messages percutants.


Voir la démo

TweetWall Pro has evolved into socialwallproLogo Check out our new tool and website

The Belgian TV show Starter was looking for new ideas of business to develop for its second season. Ebuco, the production company organized a preselection of the candidates in 5 big cities in the French-speaking part of the countr... Read more

  • Blog

    Let's Break the Record #TheVoiceBe!

    Last week, 16,000 tweets have been shared during The Voice Belgique. It's time to break that record! Refer to our hashtag list to vote for your favourite talent of the night.

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  • Blog

    The Voice Belgique and Twitter in Figures

    The Voice Belgique season 2 just finished. After several months of competition, David has been elected THE Voice. During the show, people talked about him and other candidates on Twitter and Facebook. But how much did they talk? Let's try to figure it out.

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    Reject RT and Select Priority Users

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    The Starter Tour - Ebuco & RTBF

    The Belgian TV show Starter was looking for new ideas of business to develop for its second season. Ebuco, the production company organized a preselection of the candidates in 5 big cities in the French-speaking part of the country. They have installed a TweetWall in the hallway, where candidates where waiting to meet the jury. Mateusz Kukulka, Community Manager at Ebuco, explains why having a Twitter wall was important.

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  • Blog

    16,000 Tweets for #thevoicebe!

    The Voice Belgique enthusiats shared their opinion on Twitter last night. We reached 16,000 tweets. That is a great start for the live shows.

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  • Blog

    6 Tips to Use Twitter at your Event (Part 1)

    Social media is the center of all marketing activities these days! So how do we capitalize on this at events? As Twitter is our speciality, we have these few tips on how you can use this particular channel to develop a community and keep people talking about your event before, during and well after your event!

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  • Blog

    Quentin Mosimann's Challenge Breaks a Record: 300 Tweets/min.

    We broke a new record last night at The Voice Belgique! Twitter users reached 300 tweets per minute during Quentin Mosimann’s performance.

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  • Blog

    Five Fully Customized TweetWalls for #TheVoiceBe

    Tonight, you will have the opportunity to see no less than 5 TweetWalls on television. Watch the show The Voice Belgique on the RTBF or online.

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  • Blog

    The First (almost) Permanent TweetWall with Europe 1

    Since September, the French Radio Station Europe 1 has displayed an embedded TweetWall on their website. Not only are Tweets displayed, but messages sent from their website are included. In 3 months, over 150,000 Tweets and 8,000 messages have appeared, which has been incredible! However the story doesn't end here...

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  • Blog

    6 Tips to Use Twitter at your Event (Part 2)

    Social media is the center of all marketing these days! So how do we capitalize on this at events? As Twitter is our speciality, we have these few tips on how you can use this particular channel to develop a community and keep people talking about your event before, during and well after your event!

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  • Blog

    How to Maximize your Tweets #thevoicebe?

    Want to tweet about The Voice Belgique but don't know how to do it? We give you a short guide to maximize your tweets and have a chance to see them on the TweetWalls tonight.

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  • Blog

    Twitter Under Attack

    Did you get an email from Twitter recently? If the answer is no, you are probably not among the 250,000 Twitter users that were victims of a hacker attack last weekend.

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  • Blog

    MTV, Durex & TweetWall Pro to observe World AIDS day

    December 1st is dedicated to raise awareness of the AIDS pandemic. This year, MTV and Durex have launched the SomeoneLikeMe campaign to open a global conversation leading to better sex education. Several local SomeoneLikeMe websites are displaying a TweetWall.

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