What is TweetWall Pro ?

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It is a professional, nice and fun TweetWall that helps to promote your events itself, brand, organization, or city on the Social Media, during your event.

How ?

People will tweet on the TweetWall via Twitter, using a Key Word called Hashtag.

The avatar of each person who has tweeted tweet will appear together with the tweet on the big screen(s) and everybody in the audience will see it and also on Twitter !

The hundreds of tweets will be displayed on a big screen (or several) in the center of your event.

WAW !!! So, fun !

What is in it for brands or an event ?

Well, it is fantastic way to promote brands and/or companies because people may tweet about a brand, an event, a company, a city,… thanks to the hashtag.

By the way did you know that 66% of the people on Twitter admit that they are influenced by Twitter on their purchase decisions ? Interesting, isn’t it ?

1 person tweeting reaches all his/her followers (100, 1.000, 5.000…)

What about 200 or 5.000 people tweeting during an event ?

Source : marketingcharts.com

Where ?

In indoor events like : conferences, tradeshows, kick-offs, meetings, dancing clubs,…

In outdoor events like : concerts, festivals, city parades,…

What is key for the success of an event with TweetWall Pro

Live Moderation is a must ! (to make sure that nothing and nobody disturb your great event)

Customization of the TweetWall : create the difference and personalize it !

Reports : be accountable ! Statistics of the session and also the full history of the Tweets.

Be supported by a professional team like TweetWall Pro’s team : before, during and after your event.


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‘Tis the season!
As we all begin to finish planning our Holiday parties, why not spice things up this year with a seasonal themed social wall! Use one......

About us

TweetWall Pro officially launched in May 2010 in Silicon Valley at SF New Tech, the Bay area's largest, longest running, and most loved monthly technology event designed for start-up technology companies. Since 2010, TweetWalls have been used at hundreds of events worldwide including conferences, tradeshows, concerts, corporate events, sporting events, and has even been integrated in live TV programming.

Our company's mission is to provide innovative social media tools to drive customer engagement in real-time at events and extend the buzz of events virally through social networks.

Testimonial View all

For the seventh Energy Showcase, SDG&E wanted to include social media to the event. Josh Thompson, in charge of the marketing, tells us why he installed a TweetWall.
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What is TweetWall Pro ?

TweetWall Pro is an audience particiaption solution that displays the social conversation on screen driving engagement, brand exposure, and event awareness. Stream content from social media, SMS or web messaging systems to support diverse audiences.  

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